Six experts of the nuclear medicine field came together with a common vision about the future of radiotherapeutics and radiotheranostics. With its cumulated century experience in the area this group identified the needs for the pharmaceutical industry and anticipated the very fast growth of this modality.
Ahead of developing a new drug it is even more important to guarantee access to the larger amounts of raw material needed to produce such drugs. Success of this industry is intimately linked with manufacturing quality, product availability and distribution reliability. The radionuclide and radiopharmaceutical production is one of the most complex and regulated industry in the world, but this industry is now mature.
When specialists from the radiopharmaceutical industry, nuclear equipment manufacturing, business development, legal and financial, and well-known locally implanted suppliers join to create a new company in their own expertise, it can only lead to an outstanding, very reactive and success-driven team. Their extensive network allowed to select the best team members for implementing the concept and running the company for the benefit of patients.